Use Omniaz for Beverages to
augment your drinks

Omniaz for Beverages is an end-to-end industry-tailored AR solution for wines, beers, and spirits. We help resolve challenges faced by brands around consumer engagement, as well as help consumers make better drinks choices.
AR Commerce

Easily accessible via any mobile web browser, this web-based AR feature can be used widely on your own website and ecommerce sites, as well as to advertise on popular social media platforms and the Google Network.

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Mobile App

Through our smartphone app, consumers can dive into immersive AR experiences to discover wines, beers, and spirits. With extended product information, they will be able to learn more about any beverage, discover new drinks, and make better purchase decisions.

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Platform for Businesses

As a business, you will get access to this one-stop platform where you can manage your AR content and product information, as well as obtain and analyse data for consumer and sales insights.

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